Good Lord where does the time go!? I haven't blogged in almost 2 weeks! Anyway I'm here we are all doing well. I'm planning lore's 5th bday party! it's next friday for her friends and then a cookout for family and close friends on the 24th (billy is leaving on her bday the 17th to go to phoenix for 5 days). I've been keeping busy...working out at the gym as much as i can. I usually go as soon as I drop the kids off at preschool. MOPS is keeping me busy as well. Anymore I feel like I run run run! I am blessed to have a great friend who keeps me pretty grounded and is there when I need some help, advice or a ride I've learned that friends are few and far between that are really there for you no matter what and I know I have one of the best friends out there. Anyway that's all for me for now...I'll try to keep things updated as much as possible. I'll blog soon!