Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's that time!

It's time for the new season of shows! I'm super excited. We'll I've already started watching The Vampire Diaries and I think I'm gonna love it! Ahhhhh it seems like it's going to be soooooo good! I love the good vs bad vampire in it. And it kinda helps that Boone from LOST is the bad Vamp! can we say Hootttttt! It's a typical CW show and I love it. As I've been a long time CW (WB) watcher. I watched 7th Heaven from beginning to end, Smallville, Dawsons Creek (another beginning to end) and the list goes on and on. Actually I don't think there was a show that came on the WB that I didnt watch. I am however disappointed with One Tree Hill this season! I mean how can you really have One Tree Hill without Lucas and Peyton? Ugghhhh But being the loyal fan I am, I'm going to keep trying to watch it and see where it goes, however I think this will probably be the last season of it.

Now on to other shows. I watched the season Premiere of Heroes! It was goooood! Not sure really where they are going this season but I'm excited to see. Of course I can't wait to see Greys, Brothers and Sisters, Desperate housewives, Private Practice etc...but what I really can't wait to see is Eastwick! that comes on tonight! I'm totally excited about it as I loved Charmed and hope it's gonna be something like that even if it's not I'm soooo excited about it. Also Flashforward looks awesome! OMG all the new shows coming out look freaking awesome. THere is The Forgotten that has Christian Slater in it and I really hope it's good because I love him! Ahhhhhhh soooo much TV sooooo little time! Biggest loser started up too and it looks like it's going to be a good season! Good thing I have two DVR's. Okay so I guess that's enough TV talk but man I'm excited about the new seasons starting up on all the shows! woo hooo!


Anna said...

I think I'm going to stop watching 90210 cause it's getting stupid, but I'm loving Melrose Place...
I'm with you on Vampire Diaries...I think I'm hooked!
aww I miss Charmed!

Marie said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one addicted to the tv!! :)