since I've been able to blog. So here I am trying to get one in really quick. So what's been going on with me you ask? Well, I've been being an ass because I'm pissed Billy's got to go to training for two weeks (over my birthday). We tried to find a cheap flight so he could come home over the weekend but no finding a cheap fare for us! This is one of the times I wished we still lived in Wichita, as we (the kids and I) could just drive down there for the weekend. I don't know why I get so mad or upset about something he has to do. I guess i'm just a butt? who knows?
What's been going on with the kids, well tripp now has two teeth, sits up and plays without falling over, scoots all around the place, and interacts/plays more with you (kinda like a mocking game, he sighs you sigh, he sighs could go on forever). He goes in on the 3rd for his 6 mth appt. Wth 6 mths where did the freaking time go? man it goes by way too fast!!!! before I know it he'll be walking, then running then off to college for him. lol.
Miranda hmmmmm she hasn't really been doing much but being her typical diva self. She is more rotten than I could have ever imagined. She is in that no stage, she'll say no to just about everything (however she ends up doing whatever you ask even though she says no). She went to the ortho and she is good, apparently she's gonna be an olympic runner. Ha he hasn't see her run, if anyone has watched the friends episode where phoebe is running, that's my child except she falls down a lot. No seriously the appointment went well. She has really loose joints which causes a turn in at her feet, but he says if you look at most olympic sprinters they have a slight turn in like hers. He bones are straight and everything else looks good. The loose joints give her what's called a nurse maids elbow, which is where it kinda get's wrenched really easy (just about pops out) and it hurts her really bad to the point she won't use it. what's the remedy for that, don't hold that hand when she's walking cause when she falls and you try to catch her, she almost always messes that elbow up. So that was a pretty good appt.
Loralie she is so much like me it's pretty sad and I wish she wasn't. She get's so flustrated if she's trying to (lets say) put a puzzle together for the first time and can't get it as fast as she'd like. I mean to the point of crying mad/flustrated. I hate that she gets that from me. I hate that I'm like that, I just like to be able to do shit right and not have it take long the first time. So she's smart as can be and I'm excited for her to start preschool but also sad about it. I'm gonna miss her, she's usually such a helper around here with Tripp, and she's Miranda's playmate. I wonder how miranda is gonna take her being gone. She's excited she get's to change her earrings soon. I wonder how excited she will be when the time comes lol.
So for me, nothing going on here, me just being pissed I'm gonna be parenting by myself for the next two weeks. The girls will most likely drive me crazy as they like to fight nonstop, well most of the time. Tripp is pretty happy usually unless he is one of his moods that he wants everyones undivided attention. Oh well such is life...I guess I'll blog again when i have time. I'm sure I'll make some time, especially because I know I'll have to have a place to vent out my daily crap over the next two weeks. Anyone have a big ass margarita machine, maybe I'll turn to drinking for a couple
I know what you mean about getting mad about the things he has to do. You don't mean to do it, it just happens. I tend to get angry at Daniel's too. I think for me it is just because it takes up so much of his time. I understand about your birthday. Daniel had to work on mine this year, it wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't work 24 hours shifts. He missed the whole day.
Hang in there, the next couple of weeks will fly by.
Suck it up... Just kidding!!!! Don't come out here and kick my arse! lol... seriously, I would feel the exact same if I were in your shoes. My birthday is one day that I really like to celebrate, its one day that is still about ME (and not the kids) and I want Robert and the kids with me that day.... Hopefully he can make it up to ya after he gets home. I'd totally come out for your bday, if only money were no object...
Oh, and I can't believe how fast Tripp is growing up! Tell him to stop that! Ranna sounds like Juliana with the nos.... Has she started in with 'Why?' yet? I think I prefer no... lol...
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