Good Lord I will be so glad when this election is over! Don't get me wrong I'm right there with getting my political point out, but for some reason this freaking election is bringing out the crazies. People stealing signs, defacing property and yesterday people went into a Republican office here and assaulted two people in there. WTH. We all have a right to say what we want, have our own views and be free thinkers! I mean there has been a million times this election I've wanted to say to people "Get your head out of your ass and quit letting Obama blow smoke up your ass". Sure he's a very good speaker but how much do you really know about him and how he will run things? I mean sure we know that he's young and some find him hot, but shit some found Bill Clinton Sexy! Gross! To me Obama seems like one of the sea sirens his voice is so smooth and unaltered however when we elect him I worry he will bring us to our demise. I mean why would he be reading the book "A post America World"? If you don't believe me I'll find a pic and post it if I have to. Another problem I have issue with is how can you vote for someone who keeps friends like the ones he has? I mean a known terrorist and a racist? seriously! They say said terrorist isn't one anymore he is a professor, wth he said they didn't bomb enough and should have bombed more. Yeah sounds like he's a stand up citizen! And the man who led him on his spiritual journey through life said some of the most horrid racist things during his sermons. How can you still vote for someone who associates himself with these people. Another reason I can't vote for Obama is the fact of late term abortion and the fact that he voted against helping the babies that try to survive being aborted so late. The babies that come out alive that the medical staff can't legally help because it's against the law according to what Obama voted for. I mean that is a precious child that could have lived and someone would want to adopt, to love, to care for. There are so many other reasons I wouldn't vote for Obama but these are just a few. I just don't know how people can vote for someone like this? I mean WTH are people thinking.
I have some friends moms themselves that say they won't vote for McCain because of Palin. Not because she doesn't have the knowledge to do the job but because they feel she should be home with her kids. OMG are you freaking kidding me! I mean seriously it's a double standard. if Sarah Palin was a man this shit that's being said by many wouldn't even be brought up. I mean how many VP candidates have had people look into how much they spent on their wardrobe? Or said "his" daughter got pregnant how's he going to run the country? Oh because she's a woman it gets thrown in the mix of reasons she's not qualified. I told billy after a debate people were going to be talking her clothing, I even went as far to say that wow I would have worn flats if i had to stand in one place that long. To which Billy said "I wonder why she didn't" I said "because everyone would have been like "can you believe she wore FLATS!!!!" You know I really though this we had grown as women but there are some that are just keeping us back in the old ages of the woman should stay at home, the woman has to wear heals, the woman isn't intelligent enough to run a country. I mean people were even talking about what Hillary Clinton was wearing! I mean how many times did she joked on about her suits. I know Sarah Palin is new to this but shit so is Obama! How can you even say she's not experienced enough without saying Obama doesn't have enough experience? I feel if she gets in she will bring a fresh mind to our Government.
So all I'm asking is please take a second to think about who you are voting for. and why you are voting for them. Don't vote because your mind has been clouded by the way he speaks, think about what he really stands for. I mean he says "Change" but what is he really going to Change? and is this "Change" really going to be for the good? I don't think so. So first go out there and vote! Second, Please please please think about why you are voting for the person, I mean don't vote for or against someone just because of their race or sex. Vote for the person you think will pass along your views the best. Oh and by the way I don't belong to any particular party but this time I will be voting Republican as I feel they best say/express my views. Oh and all this racial and sexist bullshit needs to stop we are freaking past that. We are all Americans!!!!
Oh and if your going to leave a comment please say who you are...good or bad as I like all feed back but hate it when you can't say who you are, it makes me think you don't really believing the comment you are leaving.
I have to agree with you on your points. I just don't get people. There is so much talk and no action. There is so much finger pointing, no one taking responsibility. I am so sick of it! Signed, Anon
ohhh I am so with you! why would you vote for someone cause you think they're "hot"...if I hear that excuse one more time I might have to smack someone in the head!
What's killing me is that my children are coming home from school saying that we should vote for Osama, I mean Obama cause he's "cool" WTF???? when did that help fix a country???
I'm disgusted and can't wait to cast my vote next week!
I agree. I've got high blood pressure already and I think I'm gong to pop a cork if I hear one more political commercial.
BTW: I think you and I agree on a lot of things.
I hope you weren't referencing our convo about Palin and that I feel that she should be at home. That's not the only reason I can't stand her.
Anyway, I'm still looking for these votes you keep talking about on abortion from Obama. I have yet to find them. Honestly, email me if you have the link, because I have looked and can't find it...
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